My Heartfelt Glowing Tribute to My Father

Indra Raj Pathak
1 min readJun 17, 2024


Father’s Day

Created on Ideogram

I express my glowing tributes in these lines to my late beloved father on Father’s Day-Third Sunday, June, 16, 2024.

in the quiet dawn, as morning breaks
a father rises, for his family’s sake
with wisdom deep and love so grand
he faced the world with a steady hand
through trials harsh and storms untamed
he stood unyielding, heart aflame
in books and life, his knowledge vast
a beacon bright, steadfast to the last
he taught me lessons, both kind and stern
in every moment, there’s much to learn
from pages worn and stories told
to dreams he chased, so brave, so bold
with tender care and patient might
he guided me through darkest night
a loving heart, a mind so keen
in every struggle, he’s our serene
through every challenge, never bent
his strength, a gift, from Heaven sent
he fought with courage, never ceased
in love and honor, he found his peace
on this day, I celebrate
a father’s love, so strong, so great
with gratitude, our hearts do sing
to you, dear father, my everything
for in your eyes, I saw the fire
of dreams fulfilled and hearts’ desire
a learned soul, a loving guide
forever by my side

